VIDEO: Mansfield war veteran finally has recognition at memorial

Former Mansfield soldier Albert Henry Ward.Former Mansfield soldier Albert Henry Ward.
Former Mansfield soldier Albert Henry Ward.
After years of campaigning a new stone to commemorate the military service of a war veteran has been unveiled at a special ceremony at the Mansfield's Heroes Memorial.

The ceremony for driver Albert Henry Ward, marked the end of a long journey for Albert’s family as they will finally see recognition for the price he paid in serving his country.

Veterans, services’ personnel and members of the public were invited to the unveilling in Carr Bank Park where wreaths were laid by members of Albert’s family and Mansfield’s Mayor, Kate Allsop and the Last Post was played.

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Albert, who lived on Leeming Lane North, Mansfield Woodhouse, joined the army for three years in 1929 at the age of 18.

A new stone to commemorate the military service of driver Albert Henry Ward has been unveiled after at a special ceremony at the Mansfields Heroes Memorial.A new stone to commemorate the military service of driver Albert Henry Ward has been unveiled after at a special ceremony at the Mansfields Heroes Memorial.
A new stone to commemorate the military service of driver Albert Henry Ward has been unveiled after at a special ceremony at the Mansfields Heroes Memorial.

Then as soon as war broke out 10 years later, he signed up again.

But because Albert died after the war, in November 1948, aged 37, he does not appear on any roll of honour for military personnel.

However, the cause of his death, pulmonary tubercolosis, was directly attributable to his active duty, as he contracted the disease while serving.

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Therefore, Albert’s granddaughter, Karen Dowsing, has been trying for years to get some recognition for her Grandfather.

A new stone to commemorate the military service of driver Albert Henry Ward has been unveiled after at a special ceremony at the Mansfields Heroes Memorial.A new stone to commemorate the military service of driver Albert Henry Ward has been unveiled after at a special ceremony at the Mansfields Heroes Memorial.
A new stone to commemorate the military service of driver Albert Henry Ward has been unveiled after at a special ceremony at the Mansfields Heroes Memorial.

Karen approached Mansfield’s Heroes Memorial Fund to see if his name could be added to the 10 other service men from the District already commemorated.

Karen said: “I’m so proud of him and I find this all really touching. It’s taken me so long to get him commemorated and it’s been a long road, but now, everything that is being done for him makes it all worthwhile.”

A spokesman from Mansfield’s Heroes Memorial said: “We are honoured to be able to pay respect to Driver Ward and the price he paid for defending his country by place a stone bearing his name in one of the Rose Gardens.

“He fought through virtually the entire War and his death is clearly due to that service and as such it is only right that he is remembered.”

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