Shirebrook Academy

The Annual Bolsover Seated Volleyball and Boccia competition organised by Shane Turner, John Barker and Martin Mansell the nine time Paralympic medallist was hosted recently by the Academy. Shirebrook Academy students were crowned overall winners of the seated volleyball competition, beating Heritage High School by two points in the league table. The winner of the Boccia competition was Palterton Primary School who having trained incredibly hard won four of their five games. Unfortunately, as they are a primary school they cannot progress to the next round and subsequently Shirebrook Academy who were placed second will now go on to represent Bolsover District in the County Schools Competition on Tuesday 8th July at Heritage High School. The Boccia event is one of many taking place on that day with the County Finals being held at Mount St. Mary’s School. Over 1400 students have won the right to represent their school and district on that day.

Christian Centre

A consultation evening was held recently, when members of the church completed questionnaires regarding the building and the community garden. The Coffee Brooke Café was open on Thursday week and Friday week mornings. Large numbers of the general public attended a recent Open Day at the Christian Centre where display boards highlighted the new building renovations, the work of the Food Bank and the progress made with the Community Garden. Cream teas were prepared and served by Mrs A. M. Hellewell and Mrs Rene Guy who were assisted by church members. A mosaic tile workshop was led by Junction Arts. Amanda Pell led and spoke at the Sunday week Celebration meeting when she took as her title, ‘You’re only as strong as your last storm.’ Tracy Engyel, Pastor P. and Mrs A. M. Hellewell led the worship. Speaker, Mr Barry Woodward will talk about drug rehabilitation at 6pm, Sunday 15th June. Everyone welcome.

Sport Bolsover