Ben Bradley reflects on an eventful first year as Mansfield's MP

Ben Bradley MPBen Bradley MP
Ben Bradley MP
I hope you're having a festive and relaxing time this Christmas week, writes Ben Bradley MP.

I’ve certainly been looking forward to spending a few days at home with my kids.

Christmas is also a time to reflect and I wanted to look back at a busy year.

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I’ve received more than 7,500 bits of correspondence from constituents this year, including letters and emails.

It is great to hear from constituents on such a wide range of issues, including, of course, Brexit.

In Parliament I’ve continued to stand up for Mansfield and Warsop.

I’ve held debates on lung health, local sports provision and synthetic cannabis drugs.

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There was good news in the Budget that the Government would open a funding pot to support miners’ welfares and I also secured funding to support Britain’s bees and insects as part of my work on the Pollinator Bill.

This year I have been elected to the Education Select Committee and I hope to focus on local educational needs as part of my work in Parliament next year.

In Mansfield, I held a pensioners’ fair, a temporary jobs fair and have spoken to thousands of constituents on the doorstep and as part of my visits to local businesses and schools.

I’ve made some real progress on my campaigns to improve local transport, tackle homelessness, improve education and skills and support town centre regeneration.

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With these projects coming together I look forward to what I am sure will be another busy and exciting year ahead.

At this time of year, we also think of those less fortunate than ourselves and those who cannot be with their families over Christmas.

I would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to all those who serve in our community, particularly those working in the front line in our emergency services, who keep us safe.

I would like to thank you all for your continued correspond-ence and support.

It is a huge honour to represent you all in Parliament.

May I take this opportunity to send you all my warmest wishes for the new year.