Private police could soon be patrolling the streets of Mansfield

Private Police could soon be patrolling the streets of MansfieldPrivate Police could soon be patrolling the streets of Mansfield
Private Police could soon be patrolling the streets of Mansfield
Mansfield District Council have been looking into the viability of private security firms to police the town centre.

Across the UK, private companies being hired to carry out regular patrols as police cuts have led to a fall in the rate of arrests.

TM Eye, run by former Scotland Yard detectives, has deployed “local bobbies” from Westminster to Essex, charging households between £50 and £200 a month.

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Elsewhere, market traders in Stockport have employed four guards who work seven days a week.

In Gloucester city centre, city protection officers are tasked with tackling antisocial behaviour, street drinking, beggars and litter louts.

Former soldier Stephen Beardsley, head of security company AGS hired to patrol Frinton-on-Sea told the Telegraph: "We have no powers - no more than the average citizen's arrest - but for us, we are about being a deterrent."

Councillor Mick Barton, deputy mayor said: “We are looking into all avenues.

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“The Police and Neighboruhood Wardens are doing a good job, but we do realise they may be struggling with manpower.

“We’ve taken various steps in the past 18 months for the town centre, but there is still a lot more to do.

“We are more than aware that there are 500 businesses in the town centre that need the Police and Councils support.

“We have a duty to protect the public, and to protect businesses in town."

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