Fuel bank scheme will help Mansfield residents struggling with energy bills

People cannot self-refer to the council for help from the fuel bank.People cannot self-refer to the council for help from the fuel bank.
People cannot self-refer to the council for help from the fuel bank.
People struggling to pay their energy bills in Mansfield are set to benefit from a new fuel bank scheme.

The Mansfield District Council scheme aims to help residents referred by the council for help because they are in danger of being disconnected from their energy supplies.

Thanks to a total of £10,000 in funding from the Fuel Bank Foundation, Feeding Britain and the council's own Covid Winter Grant Scheme, the project will continue until all the fuel vouchers have been allocated.

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Councillor Marion Bradshaw, portfolio holder for safer communities, housing and wellbeing, said: "This is a trial scheme that we hope will make a real difference for those who are having to choose between heating or eating.

"These are very difficult times for many people who may have lost their jobs or be living on a reduced income due to the Covid pandemic.

"But regardless of the reasons, no one should be having to choose between buying food or topping up their energy supplies.

"It is important for people to understand that they cannot apply to the council for a fuel bank voucher themselves.

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"They must be identified as being in need and referred to the scheme by council officers or by a trusted third party."

Where the council identifies a person in need, a voucher can be issued to pay for enough gas or electricity for two weeks.

To be referred by the council for help, a resident must be responsible for paying for their electric and/or gas supply via a pre-payment meter.