I'm backing Government to still get Brexit done as promised

Ben Bradley MPBen Bradley MP
Ben Bradley MP
This weekend was meant to be a hugely significant Brexit milestone, writes Ben Bradley MP.

The Prime Minister has achieved the impossible.

He was told the Withdrawal Agreement could not be reopened or renegotiated.

He was told the undemocratic backstop that would have tied us in against our will could not be removed.

He was told a new deal was impossible before October 31.

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Despite all of the doubters, and those on opposition benches who tried to tell him he was making no attempt to even try to get a deal, he has done so.

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Britain finally has a Government committed to Brexit

His new deal removes the backstop and replaces it with new customs arrangements, which means that, unlike the previous deal, Britain cannot now be kept inside EU institutions, needing their permission to leave.

That was the single biggest stumbling block to Theresa May’s deal, and it’s gone.

His deal also sees Britain aimed in a fundamentally different direction

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May’s deal saw a future for the UK inside a customs union-style bloc and abiding by EU rules and regulations, but this new deal would see Britain take back control over those things and instead seek a free trade agreement as a truly independent nation.

It frees Britain from EU control over its laws, fisheries, armed forces and everything else.

The PM has done everything that has been asked of him.

Saturday was meant to have been an historic moment for decision; to say ‘yes, we’re going to leave and deliver on our promises’.

Sadly, every time we make progress, Parliament finds a way to erect new barriers to progress and on Saturday it decided to kick the can down the road a bit more.

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People out there, across the UK, are desperate for a decision.

Saturday didn’t deliver the decisive moment that was needed, and I’m more frustrated than ever.

Boris isn’t backing down though, and nor am I.

The Government will introduce the Bill as law, and will push towards that October 31 deadline with renewed determination.

I want to get Brexit delivered, as promised.