Mansfield MP Ben Bradley tweets his support for PM's Brexit withdrawal agreement

Mansfield MP Ben Bradley tweets his support for Brexit withdrawal agreementMansfield MP Ben Bradley tweets his support for Brexit withdrawal agreement
Mansfield MP Ben Bradley tweets his support for Brexit withdrawal agreement
Mansfield's Mp Ben Bradley has tweeted his support of the PM's amended withdrawal agreement that MPs are set to debate tonight.

Mr Bradley said he will support the improved withdrawal agreement tonight.

He added that MPs have to deliver Brexit, and the balance of risk has shifted.

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He added: "[The] risk of being tied in against our will is reduced, whilst risk of an Article 50 delay, referendum or election forced by remain Parliament increases every day.

"We can all look back with hindsight and say it should be different. That's true, this has been messy, but we have to face the reality.

"We asked for improvement, this is an improvement, and the alternative now is not further discussion - it is support for A50 extension on Thursday.

"We promised to leave on March 29. I am convinced that will be impossible if this doesn't pass. Parliament will seek to take control, and Parliament does not want us to leave.

"I will not risk 'no Brexit', which I could not justify to my constituents. Let's get it done."