Funeral director donates £1,000 to tiny Dawson and urges other businesses to help

Wendy Willcock and son  Dawson are presented with a cheque for £1,000 by Paul Brown of Wass funeral directors.Wendy Willcock and son  Dawson are presented with a cheque for £1,000 by Paul Brown of Wass funeral directors.
Wendy Willcock and son Dawson are presented with a cheque for £1,000 by Paul Brown of Wass funeral directors.
A Mansfield funeral director has donated £1,000 towards fundraising to give tiny cancer victim Dawson Willcock a chance of survival.

Undertaker Paul Brown presented the cheque to Dawson’s mum Wendy and urged other businesses in the area to give.

The total of funds raised for 15 month old Dawson has passsd the £100,000 mark.

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Mum Wendy said: “Today we met with Paul Brown at A.Wass Funeral Directors where we were given our largest single donation to date, a massive £1000. Paul contacted us, not only as a businessman but more so as a family man, who wanted to help us reach our target and urge other businesses to come forward with their donations and support.

“We have had lots of support from local schools, we are hoping to get businesses on board now too and we can’t thank Paul enough for getting the ball rolling with his incredibly generous cheque.”

Paul Wass said: “After meeting with Dawson and his family it puts everything into perspective how life can be so cruel, and having children myself really does not bear any thought on what this lovely little boy and his family are going through.

“ I would please urge local businesses to try and support this really worthy cause to try and save this precious little man’s life by making a donation no matter how large or small to get Dawson the treatment he needs to help him along this journey”

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