RSPCA continues to save animals despite virus outbreak

Officers are regularly handwashing before and after handling animalsOfficers are regularly handwashing before and after handling animals
Officers are regularly handwashing before and after handling animals | Other 3rd Party
The RSPCA has reassured animal lovers that it is continuing to rescue and rehome animals despite the coronavirus outbreak.

The animal charity which has a team of frontline officers, 17 animals centres - including Radcliffe Animal Centre in Nottinghamshire - four wildlife centres and four animal hospitals across England and Wales, has put contingency plans in place to cope with the weeks and months ahead.

Chief executive, Chris Sherwood, said: “Thanks to our amazing, dedicated and professional team of staff and volunteers, the RSPCA is still rescuing and rehoming animals in these difficult times.

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“We are having to change the way we work, but please be assured we are doing everything we can to make sure that we get help to the animals most in need.

“There is a great deal of anxiety, worry and concern at the moment. Being around animals can bring great pleasure, companionship and mental health benefits, so we hope people will draw comfort from spending time with their pets and watching wildlife to help them through the weeks and months ahead.”

The RSPCA has frontline officers working around the clock to help animals. Officers are regularly handwashing before and after handling animals, avoiding entering premises and asking people to bring animals to the door where appropriate and keeping their vans clean. They are sanitising their hands whenever they leave their vehicles.

Many owners are concerned about caring for their pets amid the coronavirus outbreak. Visit for more guidance.