Boozer stole cash from woman in two-week "romance"

Mansfield Magistrates CourtMansfield Magistrates Court
Mansfield Magistrates Court
A boozer who started a two-week relationship with a Worksop woman used her bank card to steal more than £200 from her, a court heard.

Andrew Green met the woman in the Barnsley area on January 30, after making contact on an internet dating site, and moved into her rented home straight away.

He used her bank card without permission to take £24 on February 1, and £240 three days later, said prosecutor Neil Hollett.

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In a victim impact statement, the woman said Green cost her around £1,000, including things she bought him under coercion.

As a result she missed paying her rent, which caused her "a great deal of worry and she was afraid she would be kicked out of the property," added Mr Hollett.

"The bank has refused to refund her because he used her pin code," he said. "She says she is now very wary about men."

David Grant, mitigating, said Green suffers from mental health problems and "serious" alcohol issues.

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"He agreed all his offending in the past was related to drink," said probation officer Martin Sanderson.

"He drinks a bottle of gin a day with several cans of lager. He was recently told his liver is nearing the end of its life.

"He has suffered three bereavements which exacerbated his mental health problems."

Green, 32, of Hoyland Road, Kettlethorpe, admittted two counts of theft when he appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Thursday.

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He received a 12 month community order, with a six month programme to address his alcohol dependency, and 15 rehabilitation days.

A restraining order was imposed which bans him from contacting the woman, or going to Devonshire Drive, Worksop.

He was told to pay £284 compensation, which will be added to the £403 he already owes to the courts, but no costs were ordered.

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