Derwent Singers back in action

Derwent SingersDerwent Singers
Derwent Singers
The new season for The Derwent Singers is on the horizon with two concerts lined up for November.

In the first concert, the choir will provide the semi-chorus for Derby Bach Choir’s performance of Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius.

This is to be directed by Derwent Singers’ Richard

Roddis at Derby Cathedral on Saturday, November 7, starting at 7.30 pm.

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Tickets are £20 (reserved), £16 (unreserved) and £5 (students).

Then, on Saturday, November 28, Derwent Singers will be in action in a concert taking place at St Mary’s Church, Bridge Gate, Derby.

The concert starts at 8pm and will be conducted by Richard Roddis.

In Music of Immortality, the choir will sing Parry’s Songs of Farewell (1918) which

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contrasts with a sumptious Mass by Cipriano de Rore of Ferrara, celebrating his 500th anniversary.

Tickets for the November 28 concert cost £10.

For both concerts, further information and tickets from or alternatively by calling 01283 561826.

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